Robert Ratajczak writes about the band’s latest album: “On” Od-JAZZ-dowo “we associate with music that one could boldly, without knowing the original nature of Jerzy Chruściński’s themes, be picked up as compositions created by jazzmen. The huge power of arrangement and arrangement of individual motifs from performances makes the fifth album New Bone is a thoroughly JAZZ album, very JAZZ and charged with JAZZ like hardly any JAZZ album filled with JAZZ compositions. It is an album whose title has no exaggeration – simply: JAZZ-of-planter.
The solo creations of Tomasz Kudyk and Dominik Wania, the alto saxophone by Bartłomiej Prucnal (also great unison lines with the trumpet) are amazing and the efficiency and perfection of the always-found section: Adamczak – Fortuna. (…) “Od-JAZZ-dowo” is also an album with a great, well thought-out (theatrical) drama, culminating in a perfectly closing whole with a beautiful ballad theme from the show: “Ball in the opera.”